For more information about how you or your organization can become a sponsor for the Cathedral Festival of Flowers, visit the Sponsorship Info page »
Mr. Gregory Castrucci
Ms. Victoria Evans
Mr. Andre Furlan
Ms. Yvonne C. Halligan
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Lenore Heffernan
Dr. L. Phillip Jimenez
Mr. Albert E. Maggio
Ms.Tillie McCullough
Dr. Allison E. N. Metz
Ms. Cristina & Mr. Ricardo Olea, In Loving Memory of Alexandra Victoria Olea
Rev. Thomas Parenti, Star of the Sea Church
Mr. Kenneth and Mrs. Kathleen Ryan
Mrs. Kathleen C. Ryan
Sacred Heart Cathedral Preparatory High School
Mr. Tony and Mrs. Lucile Sanchez-Corea
Mr. William and Mrs. Jean Terheyden
Mrs. Diane B. Wilsey
Magnificat Sponsors
Mr. Robert H. Otsuka, Executive Vice President & General Manager
The Greenery Nursery/Landscape/Maintenance
At the San Francisco Flower Mart and in the Russian River Redwoods
Mr. Rick Tremeroli •
Mr. George Lippi, Fugazi Travel
Mr. Bill Zappettini
Rose Sponsor
Lilac Sponsors
Mrs. Marilyn Knight
Mrs. Catherine Matsuyo Tompkison-Graham
Tulip Sponsors
Archdiocesan Office of Worship
Ms. Marybeth Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. George Bovone
Ms. Barbara K. Callander
Ms. Natividad T. Copada
Mr. John and Mrs. Rosina DeMartini
Mr. Arnold Dito
Mr. Walter and Mrs. Baselisa Eipp
Mr. H. Welton Flynn
Mrs. Patricia Hanson Thomson
Mr. Darryl and Mrs. Mary Ellen Hoffman
Mr. Robert and Mrs. Edith Lockhart
Mr. Frank and Mrs. Imelda Moeslein
Mr. John and Mrs. Maryanne Murray
Ms. Maureen Murray Fox
Mr. Jim and Mrs. Lorraine Scullion
Mr. Charles Shipley, Grace Cathedral Verger
Mr. and Mrs. John Sebastinelli
Ms. Catherine G. Sweeney